Galló Erzsébet , 1776

/Galló/ Erzsébet

Galló Erzsébet utódai

  1. Nemzedék 1
    1. Galló Erzsébet, az ő lánya Galló István és Sebők Anna, Született napja 1776. november 09 in Földeák.

      2 alakalommal házasodott. első alakalommal ment férjhez Szász Ferenc, az ő fia Szász és , napja 1793. november 24 in Földeák.

      második alakalommal ment férjhez Erdélyi István, az ő fia Erdélyi Dömötör és Bera Ilona, napja 1833. február 17 in Földeák. Született napja 1774. augusztus 05 in Földeák és elhunyt napja 1834. június 10 in Földeák at the age of 59 év.

      Az ő gyermekei: Galló Erzsébet és Szász Ferenc:

      1. Szász Pál (1795) - follow 2.1
      2. Szász Rozália (1796) - follow 2.2
  2. Nemzedék 2 vissza a tetejére
    1. Szász Pál, az ő fia Szász Ferenc és Galló Erzsébet, született napja 1795. január 04 in Földeák.

    2. Szász Rozália, az ő lánya Szász Ferenc és Galló Erzsébet, Született napja 1796. július 18 in Földeák.

Galló Erzsébet ősei

  1. Nemzedék 1
    1. Galló Erzsébet, az ő lánya Galló István és Sebők Anna, Született napja 1776. november 09 in Földeák.

  2. Nemzedék 2 vissza a tetejére
      2 of 2 possible ancestors (100% complete).
    1. Galló István született 1752 körül.

      Ez a személy a születési anyakönyvben szülõként van feltüntetve és nem sikerült megfeleltetni a születési anyakönyvben található személyek egyikével sem.

    2. Sebők Anna Született 1754 körül.

      Ez a személy a születési anyakönyvben szülõként van feltüntetve és nem sikerült megfeleltetni a születési anyakönyvben található személyek egyikével sem.


Anyakönyvi bejegyzés online megtekintése (regisztrációhoz kötött)


Anyakönyvi bejegyzés online megtekintése (regisztrációhoz kötött)


A házassági anyakönyvben a võlegény neve Erdei István

Anyakönyvi bejegyzés online megtekintése (regisztrációhoz kötött)



generation +3 relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Biological great-grandparents)

Mrs. Galló has no great-grandparents recorded.


generation +2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandparents)

Mrs. Galló has no grandparents recorded.

Uncles and Aunts

generation +1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Full siblings of biological parents)

Mrs. Galló has no uncles or aunts recorded.

Uncles and Aunts by marriage

generation +1 no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has no uncles or aunts by marriage recorded.


generation +1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological parents)

Mrs. Galló has 1 father and 1 mother recorded (2 in total).

Biological parents (2)

Partnership  Galló István + Sebők Anna
1 Galló István 1752
2 Sebők Anna 1754


generation +1 no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has 2 fathers-in-law and 2 mothers-in-law recorded (4 in total).

Házasság with Szász Ferenc  (2)

Partnership Szász +
1 Szász 1733
2 1735

Házasság with Erdélyi István  (2)

Partnership Erdélyi Dömötör + Bera Ilona
1 Erdélyi Dömötör 17311796
2 Bera Ilona 17261799


same generation no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has no co-parents-in-law recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has 2 male partners and 2 female partners of male partners recorded (4 in total).

Partner of Mrs. Galló  (2)

1 Szász Ferenc
2 Erdélyi István 17741834

Partner of Erdélyi István  (2)

1 Pávó Katalin 17731810
2 Sebők Borbála 17891820

Partner chains

same generation no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has 2 male partners and 3 female partners in this partner chain recorded (5 in total, including Mrs. Galló).

There are 3 branches in the partner chain. The longest branch in the partner chain to Pávó Katalin consists of 3 partners (including Mrs. Galló).


same generation relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Full siblings)

Mrs. Galló has 5 brothers and 4 sisters recorded (9 in total).

Full siblings (9)

Szülők Galló István + Sebők Anna
1 Galló Anna 17731788
2 Galló Pál 17791779
3 Galló Terézia 1780
4 Galló István 1782
5 Galló Imre 17851787
6 Galló Mihály 17871787
7 Galló Terézia 1789
8 Galló István 17911792
9 Galló Ilona 1794


same generation no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has 5 brothers-in-law and 2 sisters-in-law recorded (7 in total).

Siblings of partners (7)

Házasság with  Szász Ferenc
1 Szász Imre 17541829
Házasság with  Erdélyi István
1 Erdélyi János 17641774
2 Erdélyi Mihály 1766
3 Erdélyi András 1768
4 Erdélyi Erzsébet 17711839
5 Erdélyi Katalin 1776
6 Erdélyi Mátyás 17791827


same generation no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has 1 co-brother-in-law and 7 co-sisters-in-law recorded (8 in total).

Partners of siblings-in-law (8)

Partners of Szász Imre
1 Miklós Anna 1776
2 Kovács Mária 1774
Partners of Erdélyi Mihály
1 Nagy Katalin 1770
Partners of Erdélyi András
1 Kiss Anna 1773
2 Almási Ilona 1786
Partners of Erdélyi Erzsébet
1 Lajtos Mihály 17731837
Partners of Erdélyi Mátyás
1 Bagi Erzsébet 17851823
2 Sarnyai Klára 17981846


same generation relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Children of full siblings of biological parents)

Mrs. Galló has no first cousins recorded.

Nephews and Nieces

generation -1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Children of full siblings)

Mrs. Galló has 17 nephews and 8 nieces recorded (25 in total).

Children of siblings of partners (25)

Brother Szász Imre of partner Szász Ferenc
1 Szász Imre 17981801
2 Szász Imre 1802
3 Szász József 1805
4 Szász András 18061832
5 Szász József 18091824
6 Szász Anna 1809
7 Szász János 18111831
Brother Erdélyi Mihály of partner Erdélyi István
1 Erdélyi Mihály 17891789
2 Erdélyi Anna 1791
Brother Erdélyi András of partner Erdélyi István
1 Erdélyi András 1792
2 Erdélyi Anna 1796
3 Erdélyi Katalin 17981798
4 Erdélyi János 1799
5 Erdélyi Ilona 18021803
Sister Erdélyi Erzsébet of partner Erdélyi István
1 Lajtos József 17941853
2 Lajtos János 17971797
Brother Erdélyi Mátyás of partner Erdélyi István
1 Erdei István 18061832
2 Erdei Borbála 18081878
3 Erdei Mátyás 18111811
4 Erdei Mátyás 18131837
5 Erdei János 18151883
6 Erdei Veronika 1819
7 Erdei József 18221823
8 Erdei András 18241845
9 Erdei Erzsébet 18261828


generation -1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological children)

Mrs. Galló has 8 sons and 4 daughters recorded (12 in total).

Biological children (2)

Szülők Szász Ferenc + Galló Erzsébet
1 Szász Pál 1795
2 Szász Rozália 1796

Stepchildren (10)

Szülők Erdélyi István + Pávó Katalin
1 Erdélyi Ferenc 17971799
2 Erdélyi Mátyás 18011801
3 Erdélyi Anna 18021803
4 Erdélyi Rozália 18041823
5 Erdei Mátyás 18071807
6 Erdélyi Ferenc 18081808
7 Erdei István 18091810
Szülők Erdélyi István + Sebők Borbála
1 Erdei István 18131813
2 Erdei Anna 18161820
3 Erdei Mátyás 18191820


generation -1 no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has no children-in-law recorded.


generation -2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandchildren)

Mrs. Galló has no grandchildren recorded.


generation -2 no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has no grandchildren-in-law recorded.

Summary for the shown extended family

The extended family of Mrs. Galló has 72 members (including Mrs. Galló). (additional members of the partner chains are not counted) Some of them are member in more than one part of the extended family.


generation +3 relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Biological great-grandparents)

Mrs. Galló has no great-grandparents recorded.


generation +2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandparents)

Mrs. Galló has no grandparents recorded.

Uncles and Aunts

generation +1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Full siblings of biological parents)

Mrs. Galló has no uncles or aunts recorded.

Uncles and Aunts by marriage

generation +1 no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has no uncles or aunts by marriage recorded.


generation +1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological parents)

Mrs. Galló has one father recorded.

Biological parents (1)

Partnership  Galló István + Sebők Anna
1 Galló István 1752


generation +1 no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has 2 fathers-in-law recorded.

Házasság with Szász Ferenc  (1)

Partnership Szász +
1 Szász 1733

Házasság with Erdélyi István  (1)

Partnership Erdélyi Dömötör + Bera Ilona
1 Erdélyi Dömötör 17311796


same generation no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has no co-parents-in-law recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has 2 male partners recorded.

Partner of Mrs. Galló  (2)

1 Szász Ferenc
2 Erdélyi István 17741834

Partner chains

same generation no blood relationship

2 male partners in this partner chain recorded.

There are 3 branches in the partner chain. The longest branch in the partner chain consists of 3 partners (including Mrs. Galló).

1 not a male person2 Szász Ferenc
3 Erdélyi István4 not a male person
5 not a male person


same generation relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Full siblings)

Mrs. Galló has 5 brothers recorded.

Full siblings (5)

Szülők Galló István + Sebők Anna
1 Galló Pál 17791779
2 Galló István 1782
3 Galló Imre 17851787
4 Galló Mihály 17871787
5 Galló István 17911792


same generation no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has 5 brothers-in-law recorded.

Siblings of partners (5)

Házasság with  Szász Ferenc
1 Szász Imre 17541829
Házasság with  Erdélyi István
1 Erdélyi János 17641774
2 Erdélyi Mihály 1766
3 Erdélyi András 1768
4 Erdélyi Mátyás 17791827


same generation no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has one co-brother-in-law recorded.

Partners of siblings-in-law (1)

Partners of Erdélyi Erzsébet
1 Lajtos Mihály 17731837


same generation relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Children of full siblings of biological parents)

Mrs. Galló has no first cousins recorded.

Nephews and Nieces

generation -1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Children of full siblings)

Mrs. Galló has 17 nephews recorded.

Children of siblings of partners (17)

Brother Szász Imre of partner Szász Ferenc
1 Szász Imre 17981801
2 Szász Imre 1802
3 Szász József 1805
4 Szász András 18061832
5 Szász József 18091824
6 Szász János 18111831
Brother Erdélyi Mihály of partner Erdélyi István
1 Erdélyi Mihály 17891789
Brother Erdélyi András of partner Erdélyi István
1 Erdélyi András 1792
2 Erdélyi János 1799
Sister Erdélyi Erzsébet of partner Erdélyi István
1 Lajtos József 17941853
2 Lajtos János 17971797
Brother Erdélyi Mátyás of partner Erdélyi István
1 Erdei István 18061832
2 Erdei Mátyás 18111811
3 Erdei Mátyás 18131837
4 Erdei János 18151883
5 Erdei József 18221823
6 Erdei András 18241845


generation -1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological children)

Mrs. Galló has 8 sons recorded.

Biological children (1)

Szülők Szász Ferenc + Galló Erzsébet
1 Szász Pál 1795

Stepchildren (7)

Szülők Erdélyi István + Pávó Katalin
1 Erdélyi Ferenc 17971799
2 Erdélyi Mátyás 18011801
3 Erdei Mátyás 18071807
4 Erdélyi Ferenc 18081808
5 Erdei István 18091810
Szülők Erdélyi István + Sebők Borbála
1 Erdei István 18131813
2 Erdei Mátyás 18191820


generation -1 no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has no children-in-law recorded.


generation -2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandchildren)

Mrs. Galló has no grandchildren recorded.


generation -2 no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has no grandchildren-in-law recorded.

Summary for the shown extended family

The extended family of Mrs. Galló has 42 members (including Mrs. Galló). (additional members of the partner chains are not counted) Some of them are member in more than one part of the extended family.


generation +3 relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Biological great-grandparents)

Mrs. Galló has no great-grandparents recorded.


generation +2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandparents)

Mrs. Galló has no grandparents recorded.

Uncles and Aunts

generation +1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Full siblings of biological parents)

Mrs. Galló has no uncles or aunts recorded.

Uncles and Aunts by marriage

generation +1 no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has no uncles or aunts by marriage recorded.


generation +1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological parents)

Mrs. Galló has one mother recorded.

Biological parents (1)

Partnership  Galló István + Sebők Anna
1 Sebők Anna 1754


generation +1 no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has 2 mothers-in-law recorded.

Házasság with Szász Ferenc  (1)

Partnership Szász +
1 1735

Házasság with Erdélyi István  (1)

Partnership Erdélyi Dömötör + Bera Ilona
1 Bera Ilona 17261799


same generation no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has no co-parents-in-law recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has 2 female partners recorded.

Partner of Erdélyi István  (2)

1 Pávó Katalin 17731810
2 Sebők Borbála 17891820

Partner chains

same generation no blood relationship

3 female partners in this partner chain recorded (including Mrs. Galló).

There are 3 branches in the partner chain. The longest branch in the partner chain consists of 3 partners (including Mrs. Galló).

1 Galló Erzsébet2 not a female person
3 not a female person4 Pávó Katalin
5 Sebők Borbála


same generation relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Full siblings)

Mrs. Galló has 4 sisters recorded.

Full siblings (4)

Szülők Galló István + Sebők Anna
1 Galló Anna 17731788
2 Galló Terézia 1780
3 Galló Terézia 1789
4 Galló Ilona 1794


same generation no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has 2 sisters-in-law recorded.

Siblings of partners (2)

Házasság with  Erdélyi István
1 Erdélyi Erzsébet 17711839
2 Erdélyi Katalin 1776


same generation no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has 7 co-sisters-in-law recorded.

Partners of siblings-in-law (7)

Partners of Szász Imre
1 Miklós Anna 1776
2 Kovács Mária 1774
Partners of Erdélyi Mihály
1 Nagy Katalin 1770
Partners of Erdélyi András
1 Kiss Anna 1773
2 Almási Ilona 1786
Partners of Erdélyi Mátyás
1 Bagi Erzsébet 17851823
2 Sarnyai Klára 17981846


same generation relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Children of full siblings of biological parents)

Mrs. Galló has no first cousins recorded.

Nephews and Nieces

generation -1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Children of full siblings)

Mrs. Galló has 8 nieces recorded.

Children of siblings of partners (8)

Brother Szász Imre of partner Szász Ferenc
1 Szász Anna 1809
Brother Erdélyi Mihály of partner Erdélyi István
1 Erdélyi Anna 1791
Brother Erdélyi András of partner Erdélyi István
1 Erdélyi Anna 1796
2 Erdélyi Katalin 17981798
3 Erdélyi Ilona 18021803
Brother Erdélyi Mátyás of partner Erdélyi István
1 Erdei Borbála 18081878
2 Erdei Veronika 1819
3 Erdei Erzsébet 18261828


generation -1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological children)

Mrs. Galló has 4 daughters recorded.

Biological children (1)

Szülők Szász Ferenc + Galló Erzsébet
1 Szász Rozália 1796

Stepchildren (3)

Szülők Erdélyi István + Pávó Katalin
1 Erdélyi Anna 18021803
2 Erdélyi Rozália 18041823
Szülők Erdélyi István + Sebők Borbála
1 Erdei Anna 18161820


generation -1 no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has no children-in-law recorded.


generation -2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandchildren)

Mrs. Galló has no grandchildren recorded.


generation -2 no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has no grandchildren-in-law recorded.

Summary for the shown extended family

The extended family of Mrs. Galló has 31 members (including Mrs. Galló). (additional members of the partner chains are not counted) Some of them are member in more than one part of the extended family.

No family available

No family available


generation +3 relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Biological great-grandparents)

Mrs. Galló has no great-grandparents recorded.


generation +2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandparents)

Mrs. Galló has no grandparents recorded.

Uncles and Aunts

generation +1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Full siblings of biological parents)

Mrs. Galló has no uncles or aunts recorded.

Uncles and Aunts by marriage

generation +1 no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has no uncles or aunts by marriage recorded.


generation +1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological parents)

Mrs. Galló has 1 father and 1 mother recorded (2 in total).

Biological parents (2)

Partnership  Galló István + Sebők Anna
1 Galló István 1752
2 Sebők Anna 1754


generation +1 no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has 2 fathers-in-law and 2 mothers-in-law recorded (4 in total).

Házasság with Szász Ferenc  (2)

Partnership Szász +
1 Szász 1733
2 1735

Házasság with Erdélyi István  (2)

Partnership Erdélyi Dömötör + Bera Ilona
1 Erdélyi Dömötör 17311796
2 Bera Ilona 17261799


same generation no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has no co-parents-in-law recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has 2 male partners and 2 female partners of male partners recorded (4 in total).

Partner of Mrs. Galló  (2)

1 Szász Ferenc
2 Erdélyi István 17741834

Partner of Erdélyi István  (2)

1 Pávó Katalin 17731810
2 Sebők Borbála 17891820

Partner chains

same generation no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has 2 male partners and 3 female partners in this partner chain recorded (5 in total, including Mrs. Galló).

There are 3 branches in the partner chain. The longest branch in the partner chain consists of 3 partners (including Mrs. Galló).


same generation relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Full siblings)

Mrs. Galló has 5 brothers and 4 sisters recorded (9 in total).

Full siblings (9)

Szülők Galló István + Sebők Anna
1 Galló Anna 17731788
2 Galló Pál 17791779
3 Galló Terézia 1780
4 Galló István 1782
5 Galló Imre 17851787
6 Galló Mihály 17871787
7 Galló Terézia 1789
8 Galló István 17911792
9 Galló Ilona 1794


same generation no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has 5 brothers-in-law and 2 sisters-in-law recorded (7 in total).

Siblings of partners (7)

Házasság with  Szász Ferenc
1 Szász Imre 17541829
Házasság with  Erdélyi István
1 Erdélyi János 17641774
2 Erdélyi Mihály 1766
3 Erdélyi András 1768
4 Erdélyi Erzsébet 17711839
5 Erdélyi Katalin 1776
6 Erdélyi Mátyás 17791827


same generation no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has 1 co-brother-in-law and 7 co-sisters-in-law recorded (8 in total).

Partners of siblings-in-law (8)

Partners of Szász Imre
1 Miklós Anna 1776
2 Kovács Mária 1774
Partners of Erdélyi Mihály
1 Nagy Katalin 1770
Partners of Erdélyi András
1 Kiss Anna 1773
2 Almási Ilona 1786
Partners of Erdélyi Erzsébet
1 Lajtos Mihály 17731837
Partners of Erdélyi Mátyás
1 Bagi Erzsébet 17851823
2 Sarnyai Klára 17981846


same generation relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Children of full siblings of biological parents)

Mrs. Galló has no first cousins recorded.

Nephews and Nieces

generation -1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Children of full siblings)

Mrs. Galló has 17 nephews and 8 nieces recorded (25 in total).

Children of siblings of partners (25)

Brother Szász Imre of partner Szász Ferenc
1 Szász Imre 17981801
2 Szász Imre 1802
3 Szász József 1805
4 Szász András 18061832
5 Szász József 18091824
6 Szász Anna 1809
7 Szász János 18111831
Brother Erdélyi Mihály of partner Erdélyi István
1 Erdélyi Mihály 17891789
2 Erdélyi Anna 1791
Brother Erdélyi András of partner Erdélyi István
1 Erdélyi András 1792
2 Erdélyi Anna 1796
3 Erdélyi Katalin 17981798
4 Erdélyi János 1799
5 Erdélyi Ilona 18021803
Sister Erdélyi Erzsébet of partner Erdélyi István
1 Lajtos József 17941853
2 Lajtos János 17971797
Brother Erdélyi Mátyás of partner Erdélyi István
1 Erdei István 18061832
2 Erdei Borbála 18081878
3 Erdei Mátyás 18111811
4 Erdei Mátyás 18131837
5 Erdei János 18151883
6 Erdei Veronika 1819
7 Erdei József 18221823
8 Erdei András 18241845
9 Erdei Erzsébet 18261828


generation -1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological children)

Mrs. Galló has 8 sons and 4 daughters recorded (12 in total).

Biological children (2)

Szülők Szász Ferenc + Galló Erzsébet
1 Szász Pál 1795
2 Szász Rozália 1796

Stepchildren (10)

Szülők Erdélyi István + Pávó Katalin
1 Erdélyi Ferenc 17971799
2 Erdélyi Mátyás 18011801
3 Erdélyi Anna 18021803
4 Erdélyi Rozália 18041823
5 Erdei Mátyás 18071807
6 Erdélyi Ferenc 18081808
7 Erdei István 18091810
Szülők Erdélyi István + Sebők Borbála
1 Erdei István 18131813
2 Erdei Anna 18161820
3 Erdei Mátyás 18191820


generation -1 no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has no children-in-law recorded.


generation -2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandchildren)

Mrs. Galló has no grandchildren recorded.


generation -2 no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has no grandchildren-in-law recorded.

Summary for the shown extended family

The extended family of Mrs. Galló has 72 members (including Mrs. Galló). (additional members of the partner chains are not counted) Some of them are member in more than one part of the extended family.

No family available


generation +3 relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Biological great-grandparents)

Mrs. Galló has no great-grandparents recorded.


generation +2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandparents)

Mrs. Galló has no grandparents recorded.

Uncles and Aunts

generation +1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Full siblings of biological parents)

Mrs. Galló has no uncles or aunts recorded.

Uncles and Aunts by marriage

generation +1 no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has no uncles or aunts by marriage recorded.


generation +1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological parents)

Mrs. Galló has one father recorded.

Biological parents (1)

Partnership  Galló István + Sebők Anna
1 Galló István 1752


generation +1 no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has 2 fathers-in-law recorded.

Házasság with Szász Ferenc  (1)

Partnership Szász +
1 Szász 1733

Házasság with Erdélyi István  (1)

Partnership Erdélyi Dömötör + Bera Ilona
1 Erdélyi Dömötör 17311796


same generation no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has no co-parents-in-law recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has 2 male partners recorded.

Partner of Mrs. Galló  (2)

1 Szász Ferenc
2 Erdélyi István 17741834

Partner chains

same generation no blood relationship

2 male partners in this partner chain recorded.

There are 3 branches in the partner chain. The longest branch in the partner chain consists of 3 partners (including Mrs. Galló).

1 not a male person2 Szász Ferenc
3 Erdélyi István4 not a male person
5 not a male person


same generation relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Full siblings)

Mrs. Galló has 5 brothers recorded.

Full siblings (5)

Szülők Galló István + Sebők Anna
1 Galló Pál 17791779
2 Galló István 1782
3 Galló Imre 17851787
4 Galló Mihály 17871787
5 Galló István 17911792


same generation no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has 5 brothers-in-law recorded.

Siblings of partners (5)

Házasság with  Szász Ferenc
1 Szász Imre 17541829
Házasság with  Erdélyi István
1 Erdélyi János 17641774
2 Erdélyi Mihály 1766
3 Erdélyi András 1768
4 Erdélyi Mátyás 17791827


same generation no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has one co-brother-in-law recorded.

Partners of siblings-in-law (1)

Partners of Erdélyi Erzsébet
1 Lajtos Mihály 17731837


same generation relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Children of full siblings of biological parents)

Mrs. Galló has no first cousins recorded.

Nephews and Nieces

generation -1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Children of full siblings)

Mrs. Galló has 17 nephews recorded.

Children of siblings of partners (17)

Brother Szász Imre of partner Szász Ferenc
1 Szász Imre 17981801
2 Szász Imre 1802
3 Szász József 1805
4 Szász András 18061832
5 Szász József 18091824
6 Szász János 18111831
Brother Erdélyi Mihály of partner Erdélyi István
1 Erdélyi Mihály 17891789
Brother Erdélyi András of partner Erdélyi István
1 Erdélyi András 1792
2 Erdélyi János 1799
Sister Erdélyi Erzsébet of partner Erdélyi István
1 Lajtos József 17941853
2 Lajtos János 17971797
Brother Erdélyi Mátyás of partner Erdélyi István
1 Erdei István 18061832
2 Erdei Mátyás 18111811
3 Erdei Mátyás 18131837
4 Erdei János 18151883
5 Erdei József 18221823
6 Erdei András 18241845


generation -1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological children)

Mrs. Galló has 8 sons recorded.

Biological children (1)

Szülők Szász Ferenc + Galló Erzsébet
1 Szász Pál 1795

Stepchildren (7)

Szülők Erdélyi István + Pávó Katalin
1 Erdélyi Ferenc 17971799
2 Erdélyi Mátyás 18011801
3 Erdei Mátyás 18071807
4 Erdélyi Ferenc 18081808
5 Erdei István 18091810
Szülők Erdélyi István + Sebők Borbála
1 Erdei István 18131813
2 Erdei Mátyás 18191820


generation -1 no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has no children-in-law recorded.


generation -2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandchildren)

Mrs. Galló has no grandchildren recorded.


generation -2 no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has no grandchildren-in-law recorded.

Summary for the shown extended family

The extended family of Mrs. Galló has 42 members (including Mrs. Galló). (additional members of the partner chains are not counted) Some of them are member in more than one part of the extended family.

No family available


generation +3 relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Biological great-grandparents)

Mrs. Galló has no great-grandparents recorded.


generation +2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandparents)

Mrs. Galló has no grandparents recorded.

Uncles and Aunts

generation +1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Full siblings of biological parents)

Mrs. Galló has no uncles or aunts recorded.

Uncles and Aunts by marriage

generation +1 no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has no uncles or aunts by marriage recorded.


generation +1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological parents)

Mrs. Galló has one mother recorded.

Biological parents (1)

Partnership  Galló István + Sebők Anna
1 Sebők Anna 1754


generation +1 no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has 2 mothers-in-law recorded.

Házasság with Szász Ferenc  (1)

Partnership Szász +
1 1735

Házasság with Erdélyi István  (1)

Partnership Erdélyi Dömötör + Bera Ilona
1 Bera Ilona 17261799


same generation no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has no co-parents-in-law recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has 2 female partners recorded.

Partner of Erdélyi István  (2)

1 Pávó Katalin 17731810
2 Sebők Borbála 17891820

Partner chains

same generation no blood relationship

3 female partners in this partner chain recorded (including Mrs. Galló).

There are 3 branches in the partner chain. The longest branch in the partner chain consists of 3 partners (including Mrs. Galló).

1 Galló Erzsébet2 not a female person
3 not a female person4 Pávó Katalin
5 Sebők Borbála


same generation relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Full siblings)

Mrs. Galló has 4 sisters recorded.

Full siblings (4)

Szülők Galló István + Sebők Anna
1 Galló Anna 17731788
2 Galló Terézia 1780
3 Galló Terézia 1789
4 Galló Ilona 1794


same generation no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has 2 sisters-in-law recorded.

Siblings of partners (2)

Házasság with  Erdélyi István
1 Erdélyi Erzsébet 17711839
2 Erdélyi Katalin 1776


same generation no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has 7 co-sisters-in-law recorded.

Partners of siblings-in-law (7)

Partners of Szász Imre
1 Miklós Anna 1776
2 Kovács Mária 1774
Partners of Erdélyi Mihály
1 Nagy Katalin 1770
Partners of Erdélyi András
1 Kiss Anna 1773
2 Almási Ilona 1786
Partners of Erdélyi Mátyás
1 Bagi Erzsébet 17851823
2 Sarnyai Klára 17981846


same generation relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Children of full siblings of biological parents)

Mrs. Galló has no first cousins recorded.

Nephews and Nieces

generation -1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Children of full siblings)

Mrs. Galló has 8 nieces recorded.

Children of siblings of partners (8)

Brother Szász Imre of partner Szász Ferenc
1 Szász Anna 1809
Brother Erdélyi Mihály of partner Erdélyi István
1 Erdélyi Anna 1791
Brother Erdélyi András of partner Erdélyi István
1 Erdélyi Anna 1796
2 Erdélyi Katalin 17981798
3 Erdélyi Ilona 18021803
Brother Erdélyi Mátyás of partner Erdélyi István
1 Erdei Borbála 18081878
2 Erdei Veronika 1819
3 Erdei Erzsébet 18261828


generation -1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological children)

Mrs. Galló has 4 daughters recorded.

Biological children (1)

Szülők Szász Ferenc + Galló Erzsébet
1 Szász Rozália 1796

Stepchildren (3)

Szülők Erdélyi István + Pávó Katalin
1 Erdélyi Anna 18021803
2 Erdélyi Rozália 18041823
Szülők Erdélyi István + Sebők Borbála
1 Erdei Anna 18161820


generation -1 no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has no children-in-law recorded.


generation -2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandchildren)

Mrs. Galló has no grandchildren recorded.


generation -2 no blood relationship

Mrs. Galló has no grandchildren-in-law recorded.

Summary for the shown extended family

The extended family of Mrs. Galló has 31 members (including Mrs. Galló). (additional members of the partner chains are not counted) Some of them are member in more than one part of the extended family.

No family available

No family available

Galló Erzsébet has 0 first cousins recorded

Father's family (0)

Mother's family (0)